Bringing together, representing and leading worker cooperative enterprises.

The Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalonia (in Catalan: Federació de Cooperatives de Treball de Catalunya) is a business organization which brings together, represents and leads about 3.000 worker cooperatives in Catalonia. We are entirely dedicated to the creation, growth and promotion of worker cooperatives.

Cooperatives are businesses owned and run by and for their members. As well as giving members an equal say and share of the profits, cooperatives act together to build a better world through co-operation. Day by day, cooperatives strengthen our economy and our society on a democratric basis.

Cooperatives help creating stable and quality employment, as well as community involvement and local development. In Catalonia, 75% of all cooperative sector are worker cooperatives. They can be found in the whole territory and in all parts of the economy from sports to fashion, health care to housing, renewable energies to web design.

At least 40.000 people are working in Catalan cooperatives, which together generate some €4.6 billion and unite approximately a million people. And these numbers keep on growing!